Calendar of Services
​(All services at Withyham unless stated)​
Sunday 16th: 3rd before Lent
11.00am: Matins
Sunday 23rd: 2nd before Lent
11.00am: Matins
Sunday 2nd March: Next before Lent
9.45am: Zoom
11.00am: Holy Communion
6.30pm: Evensong
Wednesday 5th March (Ash Wednesday)
12noon: Holy Communion (BCP), The Lady Chapel
12.30pm: Lunch, the Rectory
7.15 for 7.30pm: ‘The Bereavement Journey’ (1), Withyham Church
Saturday 22nd March
From 10.00am: Spring Churchyard Clear-up.
Lent Course: ‘The Bereavement Journey’ - a seven-session course, each with two short films and a break between for reflection, either in silence or aloud. Its aim is to enable anyone who’s been bereaved, whether recently or long ago, with processing their loss. Wednesdays in Lent, 7.15 for 7.30pm.
Next Service at Blackham - Sunday 23rd March