Your Parish Magazine Needs You
Another year has passed by, and we review our magazine costs. Each month our team of dedicated volunteers deliver the magazine to you; in the form of a hard copy, or direct from the editor as a PDF.
We are most grateful to the advertisers who support us and help fund the cost of producing the magazine. But unfortunately, advertising revenue alone is insufficient to cover our annual costs. Therefore, I am asking you, our reader, to be generous and donate to help fund the magazine's production cost. Cash and cheques are more difficult to deal with, but still very welcome. We also have a way to contribute online, donating directly into our account. Details are as follows.
By electronic transfer to:
Withyham & Blackham PCC
Sort code: 60-06-27
Acc No: 33547181
Reference: Magazine
We appreciate whichever method you choose and every little helps. Whether you enjoy the hard copy or the digital version, the voluntary work required to make it happen is the same. Thank you in anticipation of your generosity.
When making use of the advertisers don’t forget to say where you saw them.