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Midweek Bulletin

MID-WEEK BULLETIN – Wednesday 12th February 2025

‘How lovely is your dwelling-place, O Lord Almighty!  My souls yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.  Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young – a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.’  (Psalm 84:1-3).



Sunday 16th February (3rd before Lent / Septuagesima)

11.00am: Matins – Rev’d Nigel Hinton, former teacher and latterly House-for-Duty Priest at Dormansland.


Sunday 23rd February (2nd before Lent / Sexagesima)

11.00am: Matins – Donald Yonge


Sunday 2nd March (Next before Lent / Quinquagesima)

9.45am: Zoom

11.00am: Holy Communion

6.30pm: Evensong


Wednesday 5th March (Ash Wednesday)

12noon: Holy Communion (BCP), The Lady Chapel

12.30pm: Lunch, the Rectory

7.15 for 7.30pm: ‘The Bereavement Journey’ (1), Withyham Church


Saturday 22nd March 

From 10.00am: Spring Churchyard Clear-up.


Lent Course: ‘The Bereavement Journey’ - a seven-session course, each with two short films and a break between for reflection, either in silence or aloud.  Its aim is to enable anyone who’s been bereaved, whether recently or long ago, with processing their loss. Wednesdays in Lent, 7.15 for 7.30pm.


The Kings Hall, Withyham      

Next Warm Hub: Tomorrow 11.00 - 2.00pm.

Next Friday Café: This week 10.30-12noon.

Blackham Market: Village Hall – 1st Saturday in the month: 10.00am-12.15pm


For your PRAYERS

The Persecuted Church: Christians in NIGERIA. The country has a very large number of Christians – c. 100m out of a population of 220m+. Yet, research by ‘Open Doors’ reveals that more Christians are killed in Nigeria than in the rest of the world combined. The Islamic militant group Boko Haram are chiefly responsible.


Those in need of our prayers: John COLLINS, undergoing a major operation today, Theo BOYLE & Janice YONGE.

Bereaved: The family and friends of those known to us.              


n.b. No MWB next week





On 1st December the christening of Alexander Peter Capel BOWEN-JONES, son of Rupert and Anastasiia, took place at St. Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham.


On 8th December the christening of Evie Ifeya Amara RUNSEWE, daughter of Ope and Isabel, took place at St. Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham.



On 27th November, the funeral took place at St. Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham of Rev’d Arthur Emlyn Dawson HARRIS (Priest-in-Charge of Withyham 1986-1996) who died on 30th October 2024 aged 97, followed by burial in the Churchyard.

On 17th January, the funeral took place at St. Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham of Edward ‘Leon’ UDELL who died on 22nd December 2024 aged 88, followed by burial in the Churchyard.




Our choir combined with St John’s and Groombridge for the joint Advent Service at Withyham on 1st December.
Then, augmented by Markbeech choir, our choir enjoyed the opportunity to sing Evensong in Chichester Cathedral on 4th December, with Chris Harris playing the organ so that Sue Stone could conduct.

The festive season started with the Carol Service on 15th December, followed by the Outdoor Nativity three
days later – held inside due to the weather, and with a horse pretending to be a donkey. Carols at Buckhurst
Park took place on 21st December, and participants were very well looked after by Lord and Lady De La Warr.

The Christingle service was held the following day and our thanks go to Sue Cooper and her family for decorating the Christlngle oranges which everyone received.

The Christmas Eve Midnight Communion and the Christmas Day service were well attended and it was
wonderful to see the church full.

The magnificent Christmas tree was
donated by the Gibson family, its
masses of lights arranged by Quinten
Waring and Mary Campbell, and it
complemented the church decorations
of the flower ladies.




As many of us know BEREAVEMENT is one of the hardest times of life.  Coming alongside one another to offer support can be of great comfort.  Many of us have walked this road recently and longer ago.


This Lent we are offering ‘The Bereavement Journey’. It is a seven-session course, with each session made up of two short films with a break between for reflection - either silently or aloud. The course has been developed over several years and is focussed on enabling anyone who has been bereaved, whether recently or long ago, with processing their loss. Only the stand-alone final session addresses bereavement from a Faith perspective.


  • In Withyham Church, Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th March, 2nd, 9th & 16th April

  • 7.15 for a 7.30pm start

  • Coffee, teas, soft drinks & cake provided


Further details from Mary and James Campbell





All Saints Church, Blackham is open at weekends between Easter and Harvest, and for services.  

Bulletin: Give
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